How Businesses and Organizations Use Twitter

There is no denying the fact that Twitter has become a popular tool for sharing information. Although a lot of the information shared may appear to be completely useless information for most people, business professionals are also using this tool as part of their business strategy. Several companies are already using Twitter for a range of uses. Some examples of these companies are:

H&R Block
EMC Software
Baskin Robbins
and many others!

These companies are using Twitter for different uses. Comcast is using Twitter to announce to its followers what the new onDemand listings are. This helps Comcast to be able to directly connect to customers about their product. H&R Block is using Twitter to connect with customers as well as to offer advice. Mzinga uses Twitter as a means for offering customer support as well as announcement about the company. Evernote uses Twitter as a means of communicating with customers as well as to offer advice and information about podcasts. GM is also using Twitter as a means of communication with its customers. EMC Software is using Twitter to communicate information about their products to their followers. Baskin Robbins in uses Twitter as a means of Marketing as well as providing information about the company to customers.

What are the top business uses for Twitter?
The answer to this question boils down to three main things. First, demonstrate knowledge and add value. by doing this you will be creating a sense of trust in your potential customers since they can get a sort of "test drive" of your services or product before they invest their hard earned dollars in you. Use Twitter to set yourself up as a source of information. Use this tool to become the go-to person for an area. Third, use Twitter to drive people to your main website or blog. These main business uses of Twitter can be found in more detail on Michelle Baca's blog.

How can companies begin using Twitter?
Chris Brogan does a good job of providing the answer to that question in his blog. In his post, Chris describes 50 ideas for using Twitter. The ideas range from as basic as using Twitter to listen for talk about your company to using Twitter to market your business or organization.



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